831 LAFAYETTE ST GRETNA, LA 70053 Get Directions
831 LAFAYETTE ST GRETNA, LA 70053 Get Directions
Our website is doing what we wanted it to do, help our citizens make better financial decisions that have to deal with either buying or selling real estate. And, we have been educating our citizens to understand another role that FEMA plays in our lives both before and after a flood.
We have learned a lot since Katrina and are adding a lot more new questions and answers and we continue to learn from FEMA and others, valuable information that needs to be known. Understanding the rules and regulations that your Congress put into laws that FEMA has to enforce can be extremely expensive to the ill informed. However, FEMA has a saying that I detest! "Let the Buyer Beware!" This needs to change to be Let the Buyers & Sellers be Aware!
Lee teaches classes both on Home and Flood Insurance to Real Estate Agents, Title and Mortgage Lenders and Builders. He is approved to do CE classes for real estate agents through Stewart Title and Delta Title. He is also CE approved to do classes for Delta Title for lenders. Both Alpha Insurance and both of these title companies can do non-CE classes, too. Call us or them to schedule the Closing Team class that is changing the way the real estate industry does business.
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