Your Hoffman Estates Cabela’s welcomes customers to visit and shop at the unique outdoor gear store, conveniently located at I-90 and Rt. 59 in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, IL.
Prepare for your next adventure and outdoor activity at Cabela’s! There’s everything you need for hunting, fishing, camping, and shooting here. The outfitters share their passion for outdoor sports such as archery, hiking, and boating.
Cabela’s features Conservation Mountain, a 26 foot tall display of waterfalls and animals in museum-like settings. The walk-through, fresh water Aquarium is filled with fish from local waterways. A single engine bush plane flies from the ceiling, and the African diorama beautifully exhibits animals in a safari setting.
Tracker Boat Center
Located next to the Marine Department, the Tracker Boat Center offers sales and service to get you and your family out on the water. Check out the Tracker Off Road vehicles for every trail you ride.
Apparel and Footwear
You’ll find what you need to be outdoors any time of the year here! From stylish clothing to high performance camo and fishing apparel, the whole family will get outfitted for adventures. Footwear that works hard and looks great will get you moving in every season.
Sunglass Outfitters by Sunglass Hut
At Sunglass Hut, our mission is to be the premier shopping destination for the top brands, latest trends, and exclusive styles of high quality fashion and performance sunglasses. Get advice on what type of sunglasses work best in all outdoor conditions.
Pick up your fishing licenses for both Illinois and Wisconsin at your Hoffman Estates Cabela’s. Check out the expanded fishing department for rods, reels, lures, and all your fishing needs. As the seasons change to ice fishing, the fishing outfitters can recommend the best gear for winter fishing. “Take a kid fishing. You’ll be happy you did,” says Johnny Morris.
Gun Library
Knowledge and expertise from the outfitters at our Gun Library will assist you with firearms choices from range shooting to hunting. Your Hoffman Estates Cabela’s also buys used firearms. Stock up on ammunition, too.
Sight-in your bow for maximum effectiveness at Cabela’s. The archery department has a range to help you choose the best bow for your next hunt.
Shooting Gallery
Visit the laser shooting gallery on the second floor to challenge your shooting skills with your family! It’s got all the bells and whistles like a western town!
Gifts and Toys
The gift and toys department has everything from art to zip lines at your Hoffman Estates Cabela’s. Outdoor living and adventure fun, wildlife and home décor – all to celebrate the outdoors lifestyle!
Go Outdoors!
Stop by your Hoffman Estates Cabela’s soon to outfit your adventures, and return to tell us all about it!
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