2758 RACE TRACK RD STE 401 SANIT JOHNS, FL 32259 Get Directions
2758 RACE TRACK RD STE 401 SANIT JOHNS, FL 32259 Get Directions
Learn to code and have a blast while building awesome video games.
Create, play, and learn at your own pace as you gain ninja skills in coding, robotics, and problem solving.
Advance from white to black belt and receive color-coded wristbands to mark your achievements.
Get support and encouragement from Code Senseis® in our state-of-the-art dojo.
Drop-in at your convenience during weeknight and weekend student hours.
Provide a place where gaming is celebrated as kids gain confidence in coding, math, logic, and problem-solving.
Create a high-quality, continuous curriculum that lets kids grow and learn, no matter where they start.
Build their favorite games, like Roblox®, as part of the curriculum.
Offer an easy-to-follow system, with support and encouragement from a Code Sensei® as well as fellow students.
Enable kids to learn by building video games. They aren't aware they're learning - just having fun.
Let kids learn in a social setting with like-minded peers, making amazing progress in just a few visits per week.
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