1062 FLGHT LINE HNGAR 161 MOJAVE, CA 93501 Get Directions
1062 FLGHT LINE HNGAR 161 MOJAVE, CA 93501 Get Directions
About Flight Research
About Flight Research FRI's Loss of Control, Upset & Recovery, and High Altitude Stall Recovery courses are taught exclusively by former military flight instructors with many thousands of hours of experience. Additionally, some are former astronauts, test pilot school graduates and test pilot school instructors. Many have extensive military combat experience, and all are highly skilled and proficient.
We use a number of aircraft in our training which we can customize to the customer's specific needs. These include the MB-326 jet trainer, the Sabreliner, the DHC1 Chipmunk, the T-67 Firefly and the NDN-IT Turbine Firecracker.
The course duration is 2 to 4 days depending on requirements and can be done over a weekend at our training facility in Mojave, CA.
Of course, pilot training is only a part of the services offered by Flight Research Inc. (FRI)
fri hanger 300x102 About Flight ResearchSince its founding in 1981, Flight Research continues to be very active in the flight test & aviation training. We operate a fleet of more than 35 aircraft ranging from supersonic fighters to single & twin turbo aircraft, piston engine aircraft & helicopters. Our business focus is in three separate but interrelated areas: Advanced Flight Training; Flight Test; and Defense Contractor Services.
FRI's staff has extensive experience in flight-testing new and modified aircraft. Our flight test services have included specialized single flights required by customers, to STC projects, to full FAA certification. FRI's engineering staff includes:
oStructures and aero elastic specialists
oInstrumentation engineers
oAvionics and systems engineers
oTest pilots and flight test engineers
Many of our engineers are also FAA DER's in their respective fields. Our maintenance team of experienced airframe and powerplant mechanics, avionics, electronics and instrumentation technicians, structure and sheet metal people very well complements our engineering staff. They all have extensive experience modifying and instrumenting aircraft for flight either on a one time or continuous basis.
Upset Recovery Training
All courses begin with thorough ground training for upset recovery, spin and stall procedures.
This course is designed to teach the pilot how to effectively recognize departure from controlled flight as well as upset scenarios and the methods to properly and safely recover from these conditions. It is designed to take pilots to an advanced stage of learning potentially lifesaving techniques in flight situations where the majority of aircraft accidents and fatalities occur due to pilot recognition failure and or improper recovery procedures.
The course is from 2-4 days, consisting of academics and flight training. We use the MB-326 jet trainer, the DHC1 Chipmunk, the T-67 Firefly and the NDN-IT Turbine Firecracker depending on the background and requirements of the student.
The student will experience upsets from extreme nose high and nose low angles of attack and progressive bank angles from 70 to 180 degrees. These are done in a variety of configurations from clean to take off and landing with various combinations of flaps, landing gear and airspeeds. Spin recovery both upright and inverted are taught with neutral, pro and anti-aileron spin input. Various stalls are demonstrated and taught for correct recognition and recovery techniques.
Cameras are installed on the tail of the aircraft and the entire mission and cockpit conversation is recorded. The DVD is then used in the post flight mission debrief. Mistakes are pointed out and lessons learned are reviewed. The importance of immediate and correct identification of the situation and proper application of controls are emphasized. The recording is given to the student at the end of the course with a graduation certificate.
We can tailor the training to your requirements by adding high altitude stall training in the Sabreliner as well. The Sabreliner stalls much the same as a heavy transport jet, so this experience is invaluable (and potentially lifesaving) for jet carrier pilots.
Check with your insurance carrier as some will offer discounted premiums for those completing this course.
Flight Testing & Certification
Flight Testing & Certification
Our flight test professionals are ready to help get your airplane, modification or weapons project certified!
Flight Research, Inc. can help you with your certification process. Whether it's a type certificate for an entire aircraft or an STC for a system or modification, we've done it and can help. We have experience in full aircraft Type Certificates such as what we are currently pursuing for the reborn Derringer company, avionics STCs and flight control STCs (such as the modification on our Piper Cherokee 140 with full-span flaps, speed brakes and spoilerons).
Our staff of DER test pilots, flight test analysts, and systems experts can assist you in flight test validation as well as shepherding your project through the complex FAA certification process. Contact us and find out how we can help your project come to fruition faster and more efficiently.
Flight Research is the leading provider of:
oRVSM Certification
oAircraft / System Cert
oAvionics Upgrades
oWeapons Test / Cert
oFlight Testing
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