401 E 3RD ST STE 101 THE DALLES, OR 97058 Get Directions
401 E 3RD ST STE 101 THE DALLES, OR 97058 Get Directions
If our name, Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc., appears on your Medical Care Identification form received from the Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP), then you are eligible for mental health services through us.
We have a contract with the State of Oregon to manage mental health services and to help you get services that we do not manage. You will have an active role in this process. We provide services through the community mental health programs in the following counties: Baker, Clatsop, Columbia, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, and Wheeler.
The member handbook (English or EspaÃ�?Æ�?Ã�?±ol) will tell you what services are available and how to get those services. It also tells what to do in an emergency and explains your rights and responsibilities. If you have any questions about your mental health benefits, please call the phone numbers listed below.
Included in the handbook are the address, phone number and hours of operation for each countyÃ�?¢ââ�?�?‰â�?�?¢s program. If your mental health provider is NOT listed in our provider directory, please call GOBHI Member Services. GOBHI may not pay for services you receive from a mental health provider who is not listed in this handbook.
Please let GOBHI know right away if you are currently receiving mental health services at an agency not listed in this handbook. We will take steps to see that your care needs are met following your enrollment with us.
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