5806 ASPEN ST LAKE CHARLES, LA 70605 Get Directions
5806 ASPEN ST LAKE CHARLES, LA 70605 Get Directions
Health Care Specialist is the resource you need. We provide top level professionals for your every need. We supply top hospitals, Dental offices, Doctors offices, clinics, and other health care organizations with the professional staff needed to give patients the kind of care that builds a strong and positive reputation.
At Health Care Specialists our staff has a degree of medical expertise which enables us to help you seek out the right medical staff for your office or facility. If your office, department or hospital is in need of top level medical professionals, contact us! We will choose the best candidate for your open position from our carefully selected pool of medical talent for you to interview. We save you time and effort by sending you only high level, dedicated professionals. Contact us today and let us know about your needs. Then, sit back and wait for your dedicated professional!
Billing Services currently exist to manage Medical practices. These services relieve medical professionals of the tedious detail work of doing their business, but rarely do they offer a means to substantially maximize the practice. The bottom line is that Healthcare Specialist will not only offer free office staff for more crucial tasks, but we will also maximize your return from insurance carriers.
Healthcare Specialist medical billing and reimbursement consulting is dedicated to helping your medical practices become more efficient and save money by allowing you to out-source your insurance processing and medical billing to an expert in reimbursement services.
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