961 GRAVENSTEIN AVE # 150 SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472 Get Directions
961 GRAVENSTEIN AVE # 150 SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472 Get Directions
International Medcom, Inc., was founded in 1986 to develop and produce high quality radiation detection instruments and systems. Medcom serves individuals, institutions and communities concerned with health and safety, environmental protection, and education. Medcom instruments are widely used throughout the world, and meet stringent European standards for safety, quality and accuracy.
International Medcom has been selected to provide community monitoring systems for the community surrounding Three Mile Island, and the community surrounding the Seabrook nuclear power station. The TMI monitoring system was developed in cooperation with a blue ribbon scientific panel chaired by Dr. Karl Morgan, known as the Father of Modern Health Physics. The system was mandated by a Federal Court order, and is operated by an independent nonprofit grass roots organization, Three Mile Island Citizens? Monitoring Network (TMI-CMN), in partnership with the City of Harrisburg. The Seabrook monitoring project is operated by C-10 Radiological Monitoring Network, also a grass roots nonprofit organization, and funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Legislature.
Technical achievements of the Medcom team include a highly stable and sensitive portable gamma spectroscopy meter designed to detect smuggled Uranium 235 at borders in Khazakstan and Belarus. This project was developed under the Mutual Threat Reduction Treaty, mandated by Nunn-Lugar.
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