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35 MAIN ST STE 5 WAYLAND, MA 01778 Get Directions
The OGC Network(TM) is an online infrastructure of Internet-accessible networks that implement OpenGIS specifications. The OGC Network supports communities of interest for research in geospatial interoperability and provides a persistent demonstration capability. OGC Network components are provided by OGC members and non-members with organization and leadership provided by OGC members and staff.
In the past, most of OGC's efforts have been geared towards members--with highly detailed, technical resources that require an in-depth background with OGC's work to understand--or towards interested observers who want more of a high-level, business-oriented view of geospatial intereoperability efforts. OGC Network seeks to serve a middle audience, such as the geospatial professional looking to try out OGC members' products, or begin to develop their own clients and services which rely on existing, deployed services. OGC Network is designed first and foremost as a window onto the dynamic, constantly changing geospatial web.
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