4572 N NC HIGHWAY 150 LEXINGTON, NC 27295 Get Directions
4572 N NC HIGHWAY 150 LEXINGTON, NC 27295 Get Directions
Our specialty is everything.
We set ourselves apart from the rest because there is no job we can't do for you. Whatever your material handling needs are, we have the answer. We design, manufacture, remanufacture, repair, retrieve, dispose, and recycle. Any pallet or specialty crating product you can imagine, we can build.
Established in 1967 and under its current management since 1985, Pallet Resource of NC, Inc. has expanded capacity and services to take its place as a leader in the wooden pallet and container industry.
Presently employing more than 100 people on a 22-acre site in northern Davidson County, Pallet Resource is proud to be a full service provider for any wooden material handling need. Our goal is to offer environmentally responsible products that are cost-effective.
Please feel free to look around our page and see how we can take care of your material handling needs.
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