6305 CAMERON RD - AUSTIN, TX 78723 Get Directions
6305 CAMERON RD - AUSTIN, TX 78723 Get Directions
PHPC has provided Healthcare Professional Services to top Medical Providers who have used PHPC to help launch their projects and keep them under budget and on time. We know the ins and outs of Healthcare like no one else, and our knowledge can make the difference between a successful patient interaction, and a costly one.
Our Healthcare Professionals have solid backgrounds in Healthcare and Medical Administration. You get the benefit of experience that's been acquired year after year, patient after patient.
PHPC uses an ethical and proprietary process for planning, tracking, and managing even the biggest Healthcare project. We pinpoint how to deliver what you as our client and your patients demand.We offer Long term or Short term contracts for a variety of special projects such as back office, billing clean-up, collections, or medical records organization from paper to electronic imaging software and more.
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