409 SINCLAIR ST BOTTINEAU, ND 58318 Get Directions
409 SINCLAIR ST BOTTINEAU, ND 58318 Get Directions
In business since 1990, Tech-Crete, LLC manufactures Radcon Formula #7(R) - the penetrating concrete sealer - from its location in Bottineau, ND. Tech-Crete's extensive distribution network provides its product to nearly 50 countries worldwide.
Product Capabilities:
Radcon Formula #7(R) is a biochemically modified sodium silicate solution that provides long-term waterproofing and durability benefits to concrete. It penetrates into concrete and reacts with free calcium and water to form a water soluble calcium silicate hydrate gel complex in cracks, pores and capillaries.
This gel creates a sub-surface barrier against the ingress of water and contaminants such as chlorine ions.
Radcon Formula #7(R) delivers a lifetime of concrete waterproofing while preventing salt ingress and freeze-thaw degradation, which offers a major cost savings for both new infrastructure work and renovation activities.
Key Personnel:
Curt Nelson, CEO - Curt created Radcon Formula #7(R). He attended the University of North Dakota where he received degrees in both Chemistry and Biology. He completed his post-graduate work in Chemistry at the University of Minnesota. Curt is a decorated veteran earning the Silver Star while serving in the US Army during the Korean War - the third highest combat military decoration that can be awarded to a member of any branch of the US armed forces.
Past Performance: Miami International Airport; Garden Communities Condo & Hotel Complex, San Diego, CA; New Hartford Library, Hartford, CT; Town Square Project, Hartford, CT; Atlanta Northside Hospital, Atlanta, GA; Gwinnett Medical Center, Atlanta, GA; Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta, GA; Sonic Automotive, (BMW), Lithonia, GA; Kentucky Speedway, Sparta, KY; New Jersey Dept. of Transportation; City Central Park, Winston-Salem, NC; Domus, Philadelphia, PA; Harrisburg International Airport, Harrisburg, PA; Magee Women's Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA; Pittsburgh International Airport, Pittsburgh, PA; Bristol Motor Speedway, Bristol, TN; Taylor Ave Dock, Bellingham, WA; AT&T Communication Buildings - Various States.
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