38 WINDY WALKWAY KING COVE, AK 99612 Get Directions
38 WINDY WALKWAY KING COVE, AK 99612 Get Directions
King Cove is accessible only by air and sea. The Aleut people have lived in this remote area of the Alaska Peninsula for more than 4,000 years. The Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove is a federally-recognized tribe, and operates several businesses in various industries critical to the King Cove community.
King Cove was founded in 1911 when Pacific American Fisheries built a salmon cannery in the area, employing primarily Aleut and other Native workers, Asian and Scandinavian people. King Cove was incorporated as a first class city in 1947.
King Cove's economy depends almost completely on the year-round commercial fishing and seafood processing industries. The Peter Pan Seafoods facility is one of the largest cannery operations under one roof in Alaska. Up to 500 non-residents are brought up to work in the cannery as needed. This fish processing facility is one of the largest salmon canneries in North America and also processes crab, bottom fish, herring, and other fish year round.
King Cove is located on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula, on a sand spit fronting Deer Passage and Deer Island. It is 18 miles southeast of Cold Bay and 625 miles southwest of Anchorage. The area encompasses 25.3 sq. miles of land and 4.5 sq. miles of water. King Cove lies in the maritime climate zone. Temperatures average 25 to 55 ?F, with extremes from -9 to 76 ?F. Annual snowfall averages 52 inches, and total annual precipitation averages 33 inches.
A state-owned 3,500' long by 100' wide gravel runway is available. Gale force crosswinds are common, as the airport lies in a valley between two volcanic peaks. Currently a hovercraft provides regular service to Cold Bay, which enjoys more stable flying conditions. The state ferry operates bi-monthly between May and October in King Cove. The ferry and marine cargo services use one of three docks owned by Peter Pan Seafoods. A deep water dock is also operated by the city. The North Harbor provides moorage for 90 boats and is ice-free all year. The new Babe Newman Harbor is operated by the city and provides additional moorage for 60' to 150' long fishing vessels.
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